Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group N
(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)
Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes
Word entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.
From Horace. Another interpretation: "Think twice before you speak."
An alternate interpretation, "The devil finds mischief for idle hands."
Motto of Henry II, The Saint, (1002-1024) of Germany. He was considered prudent and powerful in his endeavors. He restored the lost reputation of the German-Roman realm and was an eager promoter of a reform movement started by the church.
In 1007; at an Imperial Diet in Franfurt, in the course of the Christianization of the territories on the upper Main, he founded the bishopric of Bamberg, which earned him the name "the Saint". He, and his wife Kunigunde, were buried there. In 1146, Henry II was canonized followed by Kunigunde in 1200.
Another way of saying, "Money can buy anything or anyone." In addition, it could mean, "With enough money, one can have everything he/she wants; except good health and eternal life."
From Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 B.C.). Cicero's voluminous writings include poetry (both his own and translations from the Greek); orations (fifty-eight have survived, forty-eight are lost); compositions about rhetoric, philosophy, morals, and politics; as well as letters. His formal discourses are important historically because they contain much information on ancient thoughts. His letters are the primary source for our knowledge of the period.
After Caesar's murder, Cicero violently attacked Mark Antony in his celebrated Philippics. When the second triumvirate was formed, he was put on the list of those who were to be killed and was murdered by Antony's agents.
Another way of saying, "Never say die." or "Never give up."

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An alternate meaning is: "How difficult it is to be original."
Motto of the Brooklyn College (City University of New York), Brooklyn, New York, USA. It is also translated as, "Nothing without great toil."
Another translation includes: "Nothing without the Deity (or Providence)". Motto of the State of Colorado, USA; and Regis College, Denver, Colorado, USA.
A Greek palindrome (when Greek text is used).
Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.